Treasure Arva research

Treasure Artva Research & Barbecue

90€ + iva per person

  • an innovative and original winter treasure hunt
  • simulation of a rescue in the event of an avalanche thanks to the use of the avalanche transceiver
  • development of collaboration, problem solving and spirit of observation
  • with final barbecue

Treasure Artva Research & Barbecue

An innovative and original treasure hunt thanks to the use of the transceiver! For mountain enthusiasts in winter it is a unique opportunity!

Searching in the fresh snow thanks to the use of the avalanche transceiver, a device used to locate objects and people in the event of an avalanche, is a motivating and unifying experience at the same time!

Looking for an object in the fresh snow, as one would look for people lost in an avalanche, triggers mechanisms of solidarity and empathy, rekindling team spirit and collaboration.

Participants: min. 6 max. 30

Duration: 3 hours

When: November – March. Guaranteed activity even in bad weather

Where: Val di Sole – Tonale – Campiglio – Peio

The outdoor proposal includes: snowshoes, avalanche transceiver and technical equipment

Extras: overnight stay, photographic service, Go-Pro video service, optional trainer

Movements: The transfer to the agreed meeting place is the responsibility of the customer.

Training: The communication and relational mechanisms stimulated by experience are useful for introducing training metaphors such as the importance of rediscovering a common goal and collaborating enthusiastically to achieve it. The experience has another important personal growth value: it is an opportunity to rediscover one’s hidden talents and make them available to the entire group.


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Treasure Artva Research & Barbecue

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